Closing date: 01 Jun 2016
With financial support from the Dutch Embassy in South Africa, a project, "Partnership on Health and Mobility in the Mining Sector of Southern Africa", has been conceived as a joint initiative between the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Regional Migration Health Team and Voluntary Service Organisation (VSO), Regional Health AIDS Initiative of Southern Africa (RHAISA). The target groups are mineworkers, exmineworkers, their families and mine worker communities of orign. This project was implemented over a period of 36 months, from January 2013 to December 2015.
The objective of the project is to contribute to improved health outcomes of 20,000 migrant mine workers, their families and affected communities in Southern Africa, with particular focus on mine workers sending transit and destination communities of Mozambique, South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland.
The project has four components, namely: Research and Information Dissemination; Advocacy for Policy Development; Service Delivery and Capacity Building; and Regional Coordination. The project was implemented in partnership with the Southern Africa Mineworkers Association (SAMA) and its affiliate national mineworker associations in Lesotho, Mozambique and Swaziland. In Mozambique the Implementing partner is AMIMO, Lesotho Exminers Lesotho and in Swaziland- SWAMMIWA.
Project was implemented in ten districts in Mozambique, five Districts in Lesotho and three in Swaziland. The project targeted exminers, their families and their communities and used Private Public Partnership as a special intervention approach.
At the start of the project, a baseline study was conducted in the three countries and one of the final activities planned under this project is to conduct an End of Project Evaluation to determine the extent to which the project has made a difference in its target communities. VSO is commissioning an End of Project Evaluation on those components of the project that was spearheaded by VSO-RAISA. VSO is looking for a multi-disciplinary team capable of providing a rigorous, credible End of project Evaluation for the POPA project. The evaluation will be carried out from June 2016.
VSO is looking for a multidisciplinary team of consultants with a strong record in conducting evaluations and should have the following skills and competencies:
Demonstrable experience in producing high-quality research proposals, credible evaluations with solid knowledge and proven experience of logical framework approaches and Monitoring,Evaluation and Research methods and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory),data analysis and report writing. Knowledge of issues (such as economic empowerment and access to HIV/TB services) as it is related to migrant mine workers and their families in southern Africa context Be able to provide a clear profile of assignments in project Monitoring and Evaluation in the field of HIV and Aids and income generation A good appreciation of the Public Private Partnership model to development Experience of working in, or assessing, multi-country programmes; Experience in working with government and national/regional associations Affinity with the purpose and values of VSO international Writing and verbal communication skills in English; and Working knowledge of Portuguese would be an asset.
How to apply:
Please follow this link to apply: